But before having to doubt your purchased vape, the best and most reliable way to prevent getting fake vape is by ordering from a trustworthy supplier and seller. We hope the tips above could help you, while it’s not always easy to spot a counterfeit product, it is possible. The best way to check is to get in touch with the manufacturer of the product, be sure to source the contact details from the brand’s legitimate website and try to contact the brand or manufacturer directly to check that the product you have is legitimate. If you are still unsure the vape kit you have is a fake, then do not vape it until you are sure it is safe. Checking directly with the brand/manufacturer
As a verified wholesaler in Canada, we follow Canadian laws when selling our products in Korea, ensuring that our customers can trust that they are getting the genuine products.ģ. We do not purchase from third-party dealers, ensuring that our customers receive genuine, high-quality products. We pride ourselves on sourcing our products directly from factories in Canada and the US. Click here to open a menu with more options like going our PAX device collection, pods for. Founded in 2019, we have been in operation for over 2 years now, and have established ourselves as a legitimate licensed wholesaler of top brands such as Allo, Vgod, Elfbar, Puffbar, and Juul.
At JZVapes, we have built a reputation as a trusted and reliable source for high-quality vapes and e-cigarettes.